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please make this for quest 2

Is there quest support?

I might get one so it would be cool

For the version you need to download SteamVR and you should be able to play it through Oculus Link.

Native Quest support might become a thing as well.

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I need help i open the game its fine but i can't see the full screen

it missing the control menu area of the screen

i think the resolution is off but i can't find a setting for it?

Try to press and hold the Shift key while launching the game. This should give you some additional options. Theres also a bug in this very outdated version that can cut off some UI on some resolutions. This has been fixed for the Steam version but the fix never made it into the version.

I hope this helps. Sorry about that.

yeah the UI is cut out its ok i just wrote the buttons down on a piece of paper


Please make mouse and keyoard for VR too...

Because i want to play without move controllers if im in diffrent place.



Hey, just wanna say that this game is awesome! Looking forward to being able to play this with my friends online. Will non-vr players be able to play with VR players as well?

Yes, absolutely! Cross-play across all supported platforms and input types. :)

Awesome! Really looking forward to it. Any planned release date as of yet?

This game is incredible in vr, though I'm bummed that the asymmetric multiplayer is gonna be taken out in the steam release :( Regardless, with a bit more gun variety and some smooth turning options this game could definitely become a must have vr title!

Wow, this game is great! Are there plans on online multiplayer? The asymmetric multiplayer looks neat too. Definitely gonna snag this for me and a bud when it hits the Steam shelves. 

Loved your work on BaM!

(unrelated to this game, but are you still working on Onward? And will we ever see a feature in Onward where we can slap the bolt catch, like in H3VR? VR Multiplayer games really miss that sort of physical detail, sadly.)

Thank you! Online multiplayer is already being tested and will become a thing for sure. The asymetric multiplayer mode will however be removed for the Steam release. It was a lot of work to maintain and had many limitations. Online multiplayer is gonna be much better. :)


is this. By any chance, inspired by Receiver 2?


It was released before Receiver 2 was even announced. However Receiver 1 was a huge inspiration for sure :)

Ah i see. I really liked it!

I created my account just to tell you that your game is great: '3 (sorry for the bad translation, I don't speak English and I used the Google translator. God plan)

Thank you so much <3

Hello patrickkoenig, i want to wishlist ICG on steam but i cant for some reason, i'll let you know when i wishlisted it!

Hey, maybe try to manually visit the store page:

Thank you for your support! :-)

Thanks for the link! i'll check it out now!

Hello again! i just wanted to know how do you check your email? im confused

Hello, what do you mean?

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you know how you need to verify the email before creating the steam account? thats what i mean

mabey you can add like an rpg

Will there be more guns other than the 1911 in the steam version?

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Yes. The current Steam version (work in progress) already features two rifles, a shotgun, a smg and another pistol. More to come as well :) 

Let me know if you got some specific ideas for guns :)

how about a knifing ability?

Theres gonna be ways to kill enemies without a gun for sure. A knife might also be a good idea :)

ok, hope you can add it in!

Are you still working on this version, or are you only going to update the steam version from here on out?

Still working on it every day but focusing on the Steam version. So make sure to wishlist to stay in touch. :)

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why is my game so damn dark? i mean like DARK i cant even see the gun or anything. the only thing i can see is the flash  from the gun.

You are definitely right about this. It has been much improved in the Steam version already. Thank you for your feedback and let me know if you got more feedback. Always keen to hear it! :)

I am unstoppable.

Hi, how do I enable VR on the game? I have my quest connected, but it wont work. (Im usually not on this website, so contact me at moyed#1103)

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i would love it if there were multiple weapons, like for example, abolt action sniper rifle, or a shotgun (sawed off, or pump shotgun, it doesnt matter) and also, if it were free on steam, i would pick it up withs absolutely no hesitation!

is the steam version more up to date than the itch version?

its not out yet


I like the gun mechanics but i feel like the player definitly coulkd use more health. every time i was spotted from behind i wouldn't have a chance to react. it's probably easier in vr to shoot around corners and stuff but on a regular keybord it's difficult

Thank you for your feedback. The Steam version will definitely address this and many other things. Make sure to add it to your wishlist to keep it on your radar :)

Played this on Rift S. Performance is great even on my Geforce 1060.   Gun mechanics were good. I much prefer this slow-and-tense pace in VR compared to faster games like Serious Sam 3 - I think because partially it's better for people with motion sickness, and the creeping around is  more "real". As with Retriever I do wish there were a few easier targets to shoot at - the sentry guns are lethal and tough, which is good for tension, but a few soft targets would be nice too.

I'm looking forwards to the full release (if there will be one).

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Thank you for your feedback. I'm happy to tell you that theres definitely gonna be a full release. Hopefully some time this year. It will improve performance even further and add additional content and mechanics! :)

Make sure to wishlist on Steam to not miss it :)

That's great, I've added it to my wishlist!


i don't like the drones :(


Fro  what i've seen it's reciver in VR. That's an awsome idea.

If you made this work with webvr you could get it to work on quest, pc and everything inbetween.

im confused on how to download it on my VR and is it possible for Oculus quest consused

At the moment the only way to play this game on the Oculus Quest is to stream the game from a PCVR capable computer (for instance using the Oculus Link cable).

Any chance we'll see support for the Quest?

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I hope that's a maybe! this would be a lovely addition to the SideQuest roster, us Quest fools are gun hungry y'know :P Check out the SideQuest forums if you haven't already - tons of resources and awesome folks eager to help.

is multiplayer pvp?

This is a great game, amazing even, but I have one small issue. When I pick up cartridges, what do I do with them? I know I'm supposed to refill magazines, as other comments say that, but how do I do that? Otherwise, It's a great game, I'm just dumb so I can't understand trhis mechanic. Please, help me.

Are you playing in VR or using Mouse & Keyboard? 

Using mouse + Keyboard you first need to holster your gun. After that you can insert/remove cartridges. The default keys should be E and Z.

Using VR you can eject cartridges using the trigger and just move cartridges over the magazine to put them back in.

I hope this helps! :)

Hmm, in VR I tried that and it didn't work, so...


please make a web browser version

im using an oculus rift and for some reason  keep getting weird green lines for a second and they just flash over the screen and disappear and this does not happen with any other games

Playing this on a WMR headset. Works perfectly fine for me. Nice vr clone of Receiver. I've played it numerous times by now and it's more and more fun as you get better. This has a lot of potential!

Trying it on WMR. Sometimes I was unable to use trigger to plug in magazine. Also lokomotion movement feels really slow

This game seem a lot like receiver and I admire it.

how do i customize the screen resolution

So... flashlights? Also, when you first start down a set of you tumble a little, every time you start moving down. 

is the full steam release going to be free?

On Valve Index, can't turn. Touchpads and joystick do the same things, left hand being move and right hand being eject clip and safety. Just dropped a full clip because of this and it clipped straight through the floor as best as I can tell.

And after a bit more playing, I accidentally dropped my gun through the floor as well. Still a very nice adaptation of Receiver for VR, mind. A bit too difficult for me, really, especially the drones.

No enemies. What's happening?

I just found 1 drone

Having a bug where I cannot use the trigger to pull bullets to reload my mags. I'm playing on oculous rift s, amd CPU and GPU. Can give more info!

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Did you figure it out? Haven't heard of this bug so far.

Maybe consider joining the Discord for better support:

I did not try today, but I will join discord if the problem persists!

i loaded the game but its looking like this can someone help me

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Sorry for the late reply. Did you try to lower your graphics settings? It also might be an engine issue. It seems rare though. I will have to do some investigation.

yes i tried on all graphic settings

Okay thats probably an engine bug. Could you join the Discord and refer to this issue again? I want to share you something to try!


This looks like you've burnt your screen by leaving it in sunlight

you have mostlikely burned your screen mostlikely by leaving the lens of your oculas in direct sunlight if it only like this in this game tho then forget what i said and its mostlikely a bug 

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